Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pillow talk

Brooke: We need to paint the upstairs.

Rich: No, we don't. We need to get everything hung on the walls.

B: We're not done painting yet.

R: Yeah, but we live downstairs, and we need to get that stuff on the walls.

B: We still have trim to fix.

R: So fix that and get stuff on the walls. You said you'd do it.

B: Yeah, but I want to get the bedroom painted so we can put our stuff in here. Everything's in boxes on the porch and it's driving me crazy. I want this room to not be this ugly color anymore.

R: I promise we won't always have a bedroom covered in spackle and this ugly beige-yellow color. But we don't live in this room. We only sleep here.

B: We spend a third of our lives in this room and I want it to look nice.

R: We will. It's just not my priority. I don't want to do it right now. We don't even make the bed anymore.

B: We don't make the bed because this room otherwise looks like crap.

R: It looks this way because we spend no time in here.

B: Our bedroom is going to look like this 10 years from now, isn't it?


  1. This blog made me laugh out loud. It's like having you guys close by again.

  2. Shraddha, I got a piece of mail the other day and the postmark was California -- Rich says, "Who do you know in California?" and I immediately thought of you. Too bad it was junk. Just made me miss you more. :)

  3. haha ... I laughed aloud, too. Still laughing.
