Tuesday, July 27, 2010


"WTF! This House of Bich is whack, yo!"

Before we get to the pictures of Ben, here's an awesome one of Bernie checking herself out in my love-love-love vintage mirror last week.

"Mirror, mirror, on the futon ... eff it, we all know I'm gorgeous."

And here's the new boy, lounging on the floor. He's a real mover, always checking out his new digs, then getting up to give us kitty kisses (or slash Rich's chest in a fit of sudden fear).

"Where's that Woody character? Oh, I scared him away again? Oh, well."

And yes, he's a lap kitty.

In other news, Rich made dinner last week -- at least when he makes dinner, he does it up right.

Here's a little touch of decor I'm working on: recycling old Mason jars and using them as votive holders.

And the current state of the living room -- homemade ottoman cover to come, more wall pieces, a new rug.


  1. Kittehs and lobstah in one post? Too much! Too much!

  2. i love mason jars as votive holders, and i love what you've done with the new place so far. also, and most importantly, ben is freaking beautiful! i can't wait to meet him.

  3. Wow, Ben seems to have adjusted well. Can't wait to meet him when he's not terrified and hiding behind a chair.
