It's all ours now.
1. We had an awesome crew at the house this week: The Carris family landscaped HoB into submission, whipping our house into a condition that can't possibly embarrass the neighbors anymore. It looks great. Our new buddy Phil extracted the ridiculously heavy radiator in the bedroom and is ready to set us up with high-efficiency heating and AC -- yay! And Billy Ho ... well, let's just say that I have been underestimating poor Billy. I've never seen anyone work so hard for so long for so little payoff, other than a case of Miller High Life and the sight of a neon-yellow house. We owe you big, Billy. And Todd and Mike drove the whole way to Edgewater to trudge up and down lots of stairs to pack up the cars with stuff that didn't make it into boxes, then drove to Woodbridge and unpacked it all cheerfully.
We're truly blessed. Our friends rock. To all of you who have been here for us over the past few weeks, thank you from the bottom of our black little hearts. I promise a home-cooked meal and excellent wine and beer.
2. The movers showed up this morning an hour ahead of schedule. I'll let Rich tell the rest of the story, but it was ... eventful. But damn quick. So we're here, surrounded by stuff and facing at least a good decade continuing to make it ours.
3. The cats finally stopped hating me a couple of hours ago and are back to their Poos selves and exploring. Considering they were locked in a cage for six hours and had a whole new house to get used to, they're doing pretty great.
More to come, but some pictures: