Friday, May 21, 2010


Greetings, visitors ... there aren't many yet (Hi, Alison!), but that'll change as we start to post.

It's 11:45 on a Friday night in May. Rich is in bed, Brooke is browsing furniture sites and tending to the cats -- Woody and Bernie, who will play a big role in the posts to come.

We've been homeowners for approximately 36 hours: On May 20, 2010, we closed on a Cape Cod in Woodbridge, New Jersey, that was built in 1929.

So there it is. More history to come.


  1. Congrats on the new home guys! Very cute! I love bungalows. Definitely lots of potential --- as long as you don't let the previous owner decorate for you. Egads!!

    And is that the Virgin Mary in the backyard???


  2. The Virgin Mary left with the last owner. All hail Moses.
