Tuesday, August 10, 2010


All Ben, all the time.

Well, that's not actually true. But he is the one who is willing to be photographed.

Comfort is not really a priority for him. He was wedged so tight between my foot and the pillow, I don't know how he could breathe.

Woody and Bernie sleep with me at night so they can have some time alone with us. They're much happier at night in our room, with the interloper locked out.

And before anyone wonders why there are no recent photos of Woodstein: Black cats simply do not take great pictures. And Woodstein keeps hiding, or turning away from the camera, or being mad that Bennie (Benny? Not sure what I've decided yet) is here in the first place.

Meredith, Mike, Truman and Carter came over to hang out and see the place on Sunday, and we had a great time -- this is one of my favorite pictures ever:

We've got the yard cleaned up enough that Rich was able to put up the new patio set, and this weekend, I'm heading to Home Depot to get a trimmer. (I'm putting my foot down!) Painting will recommence ... eventually.

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