Sunday, July 18, 2010

Deep thoughts by Bich Samqua

So I went ahead and did something that resulted in a little ... hissing match between the B and the Ich.

With Rich off to a bachelor party in AC yesterday, I awaited a 1-800-Got Junk truck to pick up the carpet remnants and other random pieces of junk in and around the house.

Here's where the fight comes in: I didn't ask Rich, and he didn't really appreciate that little fact.

So why would I share that sort of domestic detail? Because in the end, after we thoughtfully stated our positions (i.e. did a little yelling, calmed down, ignored each other, etc.), together, we did just enough to make ourselves look around and say, "This works."

After I finally shoved Rich out the door yesterday, the truck came and took away a bunch of crap I needed out of the house for my state of mind. Then, Leeza and Olivia came over yesterday for much-needed girl time and artistic guidance (Leeza has some absolutely amazing things in store for the house, eeeee!). I love these two.

After I let our fabulous dinner of jhinga masala and veg pakora settle, I did some trim-fixing in the wee hours of the morning (I vaguely remember Rich walking in around 6 a.m.). And when Rich and I awoke this morning, had our little tiff and moved on, we got to work.

Sometimes we forget how much we respect each other, how funny I find Rich, how much Rich loves it when I stand my ground. As we hammered nails (struggling, admittedly) to hang mementos and pieces of our life together on the walls, with every piece reminding us of all the wonderful things we've experienced ... well, it's tough to stay mad. And it made the time fly.

Bich has always believed that what we've really got going for us is that we know we're not perfect, marriage isn't easy and kittehs solve everyth-- sorry.

Wait. No, I'm not. Kittehs solve all. We're all curled up on the couch with one of our favorite wines, cheese in our bellies, truly content. Our house isn't perfect, but it's perfect for us.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously ... that is a beautiful love story.
